Monday, November 12, 2007


Despite many frustrations due to my slow-tech brain, I am glad I participated in this program. I did find it challenging and very time consuming (15 minutes a day barely got me focussed), but it did force me to confront and conquer many new facets of technology I had put in the "too hard" basket. I still find a lot of blogging, podcats and Youtube clips self indulgent and pointless rubbish, and wonder where it will all end..
I still don't feel truly confident, but I am on the way. At least I now understand a lot of the jargon and terminology, and learnt things I can apply to my life and my library job. As libraries continue to evolve, Iam sure I will need to deal with more such technology and now feel better equiped to explore and embrace it.
I look forward to a time in my life when I have the time and enthusiasm to really play around with this stuff at a personal level. Travel was the overall theme of my blog and has I have significant travel plans for the future, I think I will enjoy exploring all of these wonderful tools by which to plan and communicate my adventures.
As I say this I know that by this time next year some of these tools will be already be obsolete. Iwonder if I will be able to keep up? I also wonder if we will still remember to converse, learn, challenge, question, listen, thank, remember, play, rejoice, celebrate and love each other face to face rather than face to computer.......

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